About Our Community
The Village of Hope embraces individuality and creativity. That is why we believe that every individual should have the freedom and space to express themselves in a comfortable and inclusive environment. The Village of Hope is an alternative to institutional lock-down environments, providing a far more open , fulfilling and healthy life at a lower cost.
The Village of Hope is a purposeful living community where neighbors help neighbors. The co-living model, where people with various needs live together with the general public of all ages and capabilities, is an apt model for today and like all great societies of the past, maintains a balanced resiliency and a humanity of diversity able to change with the times.
At the Village of Hope, all community members will benefit from the opportunity of having a home of their own, belonging to a community that includes people of all ages and abilities, feeling secure without loss of opportunity to grow, giving to others and receiving from others, while reconnecting to nature and the living world. Housing options will include single-family, duplex and multi-family dwellings.
an alternative to institutional
lock-down environments......
The Village of Hope thrives off of the members that make up the community. Our community supports individuals experiencing cognitive changes, adult children with disabilities, grandparents raising grand children as well as families and single individuals. Our community provides each individual with independence and dignity, through various lifestyles and sizes of supportive housing, all designed to be accessible, affordable and inclusive.
These homes will be equipped with mainstream smart home technology to assist with activities of daily living and to provide access to Telehealth services. Housing will also provide hospital at home care as well as end of life care focused on quality and dignity with direct care services provided through various home and community based service providers and programs.